Under Consideration’s Brand New Blog has recently commented on a couple marks that incorporate acronyms for what appear to be otherwise merely descriptive phrases. For example, the mark FPO (For Print Only) used in connection with a blog concerning the production of printed projects immediately conveys information about the nature of the blog. And LB Little, Brown and Company where Little and Brown could be two individuals’ surnames; thus, immediately conveying information about the individuals and not necessarily perceived by the public as an identification of source for the goods or services.
Acronyms, on the other hand, may not be merely descriptive because consumers have to pause and think how the acronym relates to the goods or services on which the acronym is used. Registration of an acronym on the Principal Register allows the trademark owner to get broader rights in a phrase that might otherwise have to be registered on the Supplemental Register. These broader rights provide security to the eventual registration of the full phrase because the acronym can be asserted against other confusingly similar full phrase marks used in connection with related goods or services. Additionally, the acronym provides support for the eventual registration of the full phrase.
So, if a marketing plan includes the use of a phrase that is likely to be considered merely descriptive of the goods or services, consider incorporating an acronym into the mark. The acronym may provide the protection necessary to smoothly register the full phrase.