Mike Lindell, has built an impressive business around a pretty simple brand name and trademark:

We’ve previously written about the MyPillow trademark, noting the apparently narrow scope of rights it enjoys, as a result of the coexistence with some pretty similar marks, including this one:

Earlier this year, My Pillow filed

— Jessica Gutierrez Alm, Attorney

Twitter, the social media giant, is being sued by its internet cousin, TWiT.  TWiT, which initially stood for This Week in Tech, is a netcast network providing audio and video tech-related content.  TWiT owns the registered service mark TWIT for visual and audio entertainment performances.

According to the

–Dan Kelly, Attorney

I should confess, if I haven’t already, that I do not watch much television.  I’m not sure if T.V. viewing would have helped me to be more knowledgeable on what follows, but I was surprised on a recent road trip when my wife and I saw a semi trailer splashed with pictures

— Karen Brennan, Attorney

As an opening note, I am able to write about more than being a new mom, but it does bring up previously unexplored and interesting topics. Today: Baby Einstein. While I am sure most mothers agree that television is not the best thing for an infant, given the success of the