If you celebrate Christmas, and even if you don’t, you probably have a favorite Christmas-themed movie.  Elf?  A Christmas Story?  Miracle on 34th Street?  National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation?

Although not feature films like those, my favorite Christmas-themed masterpiece is the 1964 classic short Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, followed very closely by A Charlie Brown Christmas (Rudolph edges Charlie out by just a shiny nose).  I think we all in some way can empathize with the “misfits” of Rudolph, Hermey, and I suppose Charlie Brown too.

I found it astonishing that these two Christmas classics are celebrating their 50th anniversary in the same yearRudolph first airing on December 6, 1964 and Charlie Brown thereafter.  I mean, can you think of two similarly inspired, creative, and classic creative works that have created memories for millions (and millions from marketing dollars) to come out in the same year?

What’s your holiday must-see classic?