Wow, what a start to 2019! We already have a Supreme Court case to look forward to, some great guest posts here and here, and plenty to build on from 2018. Our first trade show of the year is also in the books – this time in Louisville, Kentucky for the Archery Trade Association’s annual trade show. In addition to supporting clients in the industry, we had the privilege of working with the ATA in 2018 to develop an IP Guide for its members and help launch a new brand for the ATA, seen in the photographs below, along with a few other shots from the week:
Along with predictions, also part of every new year is setting resolutions and goals. Aside from the usual, I’ve set a goal for DuetsBlog of joining Steve with posting something interesting once a week (unless the calendar is already full), which is easier typed than done. So stay tuned, more to come from me and all of us at DuetsBlog in 2019!