The internet was aflutter yesterday over a lawsuit involving Angry Birds. The artist who created a pet toy line is apparently quite angry that she’s not racking up gold coins from a lucrative license agreement for the mark ANGRY BIRDS with Rozio. If you haven’t been living off the grid, and if you’re maybe somewhat
Angry Birds
If You Want to Go Fast, You Don’t Have Time for Trademark Law.
By Tim Sitzmann on
Posted in Advertising, Branding, Copyrights, Fair Use, First Amendment, Food, Infringement, Marketing, Trademarks
If you’re not first, you’re last. Rick’s Cabaret was the first to open a restaurant with the name Ricky Bobby – but will Sony Pictures have the last laugh?
Let’s get the background first. In the movie Talladega Nights, Will Ferrell played Ricky Bobby, a successful race car driver who just “wants to go…