It’s no secret that the advertising industry relies heavily on physical appearance to sell products, especially for clothing, accessories, and even cheeseburgers. About a year ago, Brent (Lorentz, of the fellow Duets Blogger fame) discussed the prevalence of unrealistic expectations of beauty in advertising. As Brent mentioned, while ethical standards are applied to all
Colors, Words, and Colours: Pink with Envy
By Tim Sitzmann on
Posted in Advertising, Branding, Fair Use, Famous Marks, Infringement, International, Law Suits, Trademarks
It has been nearly a year since we posed the age-old question: Does this Pink Clash with My Pink? Okay, so it’s not that old of a question. In fact, most of you (readers) may not have ever considered the inquiry.
I guess I should clarify, by “clash with” I mean “infringe.” By “Pink” I…