Same drill as yesterday. Another email spam scam? More trademark fair use abuse?
Is it just me, or is the branded email spam coming out of the virtual woodwork, or what?
It appears that spam email — complete with fully branded solicitations — is becoming more and more aggressive, both from legal and technology perspectives.
We have a pretty aggressive email spam filter, but this one, like the one I blogged about yesterday, slide right through our screen, just like butter.
From the legal and trademark perspective, don’t these advertisers pay attention to the limitations of the nominative fair use defense?
With respect to the purported disclaimer, if you were to scroll all the way down to the bottom of your computer screen, before you hit the CLICK HERE icon, you’d find it is virtually identical to the one from yesterday, only the mailing address has changed:
The advertisers in this email are not affiliated with any of the above brands.
This is a third party advertisement sent to you by the list owner. If you no longer wish to receive email from this list owner, please write Gift Sponsors 7B-871 Victoria Street North, Suite #105, Kitchener, Ontario N2b 3S4 or visit our email removal site by click here.
If you do not wish to receive correspondence from the list manager you will need to follow the unsubscribe instructions provide by the list manager on how to remove you from their list.
Now, at least one website suggests that Wal-Mart is the one actually behind these kind of free gift card offers, here, but I find that really, really hard to believe.
What do you think? What do you know?