— Jessica Gutierrez Alm, Attorney


This is Fashion Santa.

Or at least it was until recently. Fashion Santa is a role that originated with model, Paul Mason and Toronto’s Yorkdale Mall in 2014. He promoted the mall and a successful charitable giving campaign. Mason continued as Fashion Santa during the 2015 holiday season, and became

— Jessica Gutierrez Alm, Attorney

One principal requirement for obtaining a utility patent is that the invention be useful.  “Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor.” 35 U.S.C. 101.  The usefulness requirement has roots in

This image is currently trending on Bing:

Anyone know who it is?

In addition to wishing everyone Happy Holidays during this wonderful holiday season, we’d also like to wish those who celebrate Christmas a very Merry Christmas too!

Thanksgiving is, without a doubt, my favorite holiday.  It’s a day to reflect on our many fortunes and to spend time with family eating delicious turkey, potatoes, and pie (and maybe watching some football).  It seems that the Christmas trees, music and displays spring up at local retailers earlier and earlier each year, usually immediately

For many of you, today is the last day of work before a long weekend. So I’ll keep it short (my gift to you).

This post has a simple message.

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