Jason Voiovich, author of the “State of the Brand” & Vice-President of Marketing for AbleNet, Inc.

It sounds like something I’d get wrong in a game of "Trivial Pursuit".

Name the belated military attempt of King William I to restore his position as monarch over the Belgians. I might have guessed the delicious-sounding


That’s what I called out to this guy at the College World Series in Omaha last week, after "down in front," received no reaction. That’s right, "Sit Down Michigan State," obtained the desired result, but not without a somewhat funny look back.

When he turned around I realized the funny look wasn’t simply a reaction to interrupting his

—Jason Voiovich, Ecra Creative Group

Key Points:
1. The National Milk Producers Federation wants the FDA to crack down on plant "milks" (i.e. Silk) using the word "milk" to describe their product.
2. The dairy industry has reason to worry – dairy consumption isn’t quite keeping pace with inflation, the soy milk market (while small)