In recent USPTO news, Trader Joe’s, the supermarket chain known for its eclectic and unique foodstuffs, recently filed an opposition to registration of the mark “Trader Schmo,” which is described as designating a wide variety of Kosher foods. Understandably, Trader Joe’s took issue with the mark, and particularly its use in the
Single-Letter Trademark Battles: Who Gets the W for “W”?
-Wes Anderson, Attorney
How much trouble can a double-U make? If you’ve been following this blog over the years, you know the answer: quite a lot.
This blog has written extensively on the trials and tribulations that may accompany single-letter trademark applications, and the letter “W” in particular. You may then conclude, quite correctly, that…
Red Bull Strikes Again, but Is Old Ox Brewery a Matador in Disguise?
It’s no secret that Red Bull has a strong trademark enforcement strategy. Too strong, according to some. In its defense, IP counsel for Red Bull has stated that
With a brand as famous as Red Bull you can certainly imagine the type of coat-tailing that goes on by third parties and we invest a
Pinterest’s European Headache
Simon Bennett, partner and Rachel Cook, associate Fox Williams LLP
Social media companies are some of the biggest growth businesses out there and the very nature of their businesses is global. One of the stronger performers is Pinterest, which offers an online platform to manage images and other content on an online pinboard. As…