–Aaron Keller, Managing Principal, Capsule
How fast are you getting at typing with your thumbs? My high school typing instructor would be so proud of my advancements. I’d say 60 words a minute if I am humming along with an idea of what to write. Not bad, proud to say I am writing this post on my Apple iPhone 6, and though my thumbs are manly, the letters are accommodating.
Now, what makes me curious is the rewarding outcome for all this work. The sound when I have finally completed my effort and this message is sent. I know the sound, it feels like a small jet taking off from my desk.
The sound brings a little rush and a mental reward for all my effort and tired thumbs. To me the sound has a feeling attached, the feeling of accomplishment.
So, in my searches for the entity owning this sound, I have explored the world of Apple intellectual property. I’ve found a registered trademark for the Mac startup chime and a trademark for the store design layout, both I have enjoyed and agree there should be some attribution and ownership.
But, nothing on the sound rapidly approaching as I finish this blog post. Perhaps it has been filed and just not obtained yet, or maybe this is a gap in the legal department at Apple (not likely).
I also have to admit to an anterior motive for finding the intellectual property behind this story. As an author of our next book on The Physics of Brand, we are seeking stories of brands protecting intellectual property surrounding the less considered sense (sound, taste and touch).
So, if you’re also getting excited about finishing this blog post and wondering, “what stories do I know about non-traditional trademarks,” leave a comment. Perhaps we will be able to share your name and story.