Starbucks is moving away from green straws, actually any plastic straws, to live a little more green. So, we’re unlikely to see any straw trademark filings, despite decent look-for advertising.
While Starbucks appears to have drawn the short straw at the USPTO on its efforts to federally-register a pair of green dot marks, appeals to the TTAB are currently pending, here and here:
Let’s stay tuned to see whether Starbucks gets cooking at the USPTO by filing any service mark applications for its distinctive green colored aprons, can you say look-for advertising?
What do you think, does this GREENER APRON word-only mark filing move Starbucks closer?
Starbucks certainly seems to have a lot of brand equity wrapped up in the color green, so I’m left wondering why this coffee shop in San Francisco Int’l Airport chose its name and green letters?
Is it ironic that I’m writing and publishing this Starbucks post remotely on my lap top from here?
Starbucks, thanks for the great coffee, tasty blueberry muffin, and most importantly, the free wifi!