— Jessica Gutierrez Alm, Attorney

“The cloud” can refer to a lot of things, and is frequently a misunderstood concept. While cloud computing can encompass a number of Internet-based functions, in its simplest form, “the cloud” merely refers to the use of remote servers for data storage, processing, and management. Usually, the remote servers are

Is your company thinking of adopting a social media platform to replace its current website?  If it is, then your company is part of the majority of companies that have either implemented a social media platform, is planning to implement a social media platform, or will implement a social media platform but has no current

What does the future hold for technology in 2012?  Not surprising, but many of the predictions involve the continued movement to the cloud.  Randy Muller of Global Knowledge predicts the cloud movement will be "THE mantra this year and will certainly be more pervasive and louder in the years to come," and that "that SaaS

One of the often touted benefits of cloud computing is the ability to scale. Scale up when demand increases and scale down when demand recedes. Scalability is about doing what you do in a bigger way. It is all about allowing more people to use your application. Generally, when people refer to scalability in the cloud context they

The United States may still be leading in cloud computing sales, but China’s appetite for cloud computing services may be growing faster than the United States. Gartner found that 55 percent of Chinese respondents are willing to spend 10 percent of their total IT budget on cloud computing compared to 42 percent in Europe and 49

Over the years, the increase in Internet use and projections for future Internet use caused a boom in the construction of data centers. Data centers house and link the servers and other hardware that form the backbone of the Internet.  And many companies and states want a part of the action. Minnesota, for example, passed a

Microsoft is joining the battle for cloud platform supremacy through the release of Office 365. In doing so, Microsoft joins the likes of Google and VMware to see who will emerge as the new power brokers of the IT industry.  Microsoft held the distinction of being the power broker in the PC era, but the cloud

Memorial Day is a time for saying goodbye and, in one sense, saying goodbye around this time of year to a group of people has become automatic for many of us. I am referring to the many graduating seniors from high schools and colleges around the nation. Those institutions say goodbye to one class of students in