elleQuestion for the day, how common is the given name Elle? I’m really not sure, I don’t believe I’ve ever personally known anyone with that name, and Mongabay doesn’t even include Elle in its listing of girl’s first names, but it does rank Ella (210), Elena (412), Ellie (1198), Elly (2802), and Ellamae (3514)

Trademark fraud claims aren’t going away, despite the fact that the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) has not found fraud in a single trademark opposition or cancellation since the Federal Circuit decided In re Bose in 2009, rejecting the prior “knew or should have known” standard in favor of the much more difficult

–Dan Kelly, Attorney

News outlets reported this past summer on GlaxoSmithKline’s trademark infringement lawsuit against Colgate-Palmolive Company about the use of what GSK alleges are its trademarks for TRIPLE PROTECTION and a nurdle.

I’m sorry . . . what’s that?  You’ve never heard of a nurdle?  You have probably seen one.  A nurdle looks like


They say that the best defense is a good offense. It appears that General Mills has adopted this strategy in a recent trademark dispute over the term LOADED in connection with instant potatoes.

Just yesterday, the Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal reported the filing of a federal district court lawsuit by General Mills against Idahoan Foods, in which