— Karen Brennan, Attorney
Earlier this week, while walking through the sky-way in downtown Minneapolis, I saw three people dressed in neon green bodysuits from head to toe. The green men were just milling around with people in line to catch a bus during the evening rush hour. I automatically thought it was a viral marketing stunt (see guest blogger Allison Checco’s post on viral marketing here), and a good one, given the attention-grabbing nature. I asked just about everyone I saw for the next two days what it was all about, but no one knew. A brief Internet search revealed a movement to randomly place a “Green Man” in public. There are a few websites selling the bodysuits and a blog that serves as “a venue to give news to fans and a connection seeking Green Man costumes” where people can post pictures and videos of green man sightings and stories. There is even a map tracking Green Man sighting around the world. Thus, there appear to be green men all over the world who are not promoting anything other than fun. Even though it was not the case, this was a lesson in how powerful viral marketing can be.
If anyone saw the trio of green men in Minneapolis on Tuesday or has more details, please let me know.