Lest you missed the prior (absence of) fanfare from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), we thought you should know (now you have not only constructive notice, but actual notice and knowledge of these valuable and important rights) that we are the proud parents (for those of you who personalize your company’s or client’s trademarks as offspring) and owners (for those of you who view them more as exclusive property rights capable of being borrowed against, licensed, bought, and sold) of four federally-registered trademarks (actually, service marks):

  1. DUETS

One registration issued within seven months of the filing date, the rest, one year from filing. So, admittedly, we probably could have pushed them along a little quicker, but, we were busy with the important work of our clients, and eh, not to mention, blogging too.

As to the genesis of the Duets name, and recalling that "DuetsBlog was born out of the chasm that can divide legal and marketing types," and is uniquely positioned to do battle with Dr. No, we trust you will agree that the Duets name and marks are inherently distinctive with no showing of acquired distinctiveness or second meaning necessary to have protectable rights. Thanks Aaron and the Capsule team on a job well done that we couldn’t have done without your skilled naming assistance!

Laura, remind me to insert the appropriate ® registration symbols when we return from Boston.