Thanksgiving is coming a couple of days early here at DuetsBlog.
We have been minding our business — doing what we do best — fresh branding, trademark, and IP content and insights here five days a week, always thankful for the wonderful contributions from our talented guest bloggers, and staying inspired to write even more when generous folks like Seth Godin drop by for an encouraging word every now and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and again.
We celebrated our 5th and Golden Birthday earlier this year, yet we’re happy to be called NEW and thankful that the ABA Journal made DuetsBlog part of its 8th Annual Blawg 100. Here is how they describe us:
“All too frequently in corporations, the marketing team sees the legal department as buzzkill dream ruiners. Meanwhile, the company lawyers are convinced that the marketing folks are steering toward the shoals of litigation with berserker intensity. What’s needed is a more harmonious cooperation, DuetsBlog’s team of trademark attorneys argues. With an engaging mix of levity and real talk, they discuss recent examples of IP cases in which things may have gone horribly wrong.”
And, here is how ABA Journal goes about its Blawg 100 business:
“Every year, we find ourselves behind the eight ball as we struggle to rack up a great list and choose new nominees for our now 30-blog-strong Hall of Fame. No, we don’t just go through the 4,000-plus blogs in our directory and consult a Magic 8 Ball to decide what to add or scratch off our list. We remember the blogs that have tipped us off to breaking news and the bloggers who have compelled us to write about their innovative ideas.
And over the summer, we cue readers—and other bloggers—to write in and let us know about their favorites: When we can see their love for a blog is real and not a marketing hustle, it catches our attention.”
Dear readers, here is your chance to validate the ABA Journal’s confidence in us, show your support and cast a vote for DuetsBlog.
The digital polls remain open until the close of business December 19, so please vote here!
And, have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving!