FUSE 2015 is off to being yet another amazing, inspiring event for brand strategy and design professionals. The keynote speaker for day one was Eric Quint, Chief Design Officer of 3M, who delivered a very interesting presentation called: “Future Forward: Beyond Design Tourism.”

Little did Mr. Quint know that he set the table nicely

Aaron Keller, Managing Principal, Capsule

You may have plenty of excuses for missing FUSE this year. Perhaps budgets were cut in favor of quarterly earnings, learning is no longer important to your organization, or inspiration has been limited to watching TED videos between meetings. Whatever the reason, we’re not judging, just looking to

We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at the 2013 FUSE Design & Culture // Brand Strategy & Packaging Conference earlier this week in Chicago. Having the privilege of snapping the photo below — just prior to the Brand Differentiation Through Design panel discussion on Wednesday afternoon — made my day, thanks for asking Sue!

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Aaron Keller, Principal, Capsule

We partook in the sharing and enjoyed the conversations.

The FUSE Conference, is not about splintering. It also isn’t about specialization or close-minded thinking. FUSE is about the disciplines of design, marketing, brand and research being brought together in a way that makes for a more engaged consumer, audience